Mrs Duffish, possibly envious of my exploits the other morning, woke me at 4:20 saying "Did you want to photograph another sunrise?"
We set off to a clear sky and a crescent moon...
Not enough time for a run to anywhere with water or a sea view so a quick run up amongst the pigeons and rabbits along Warter Road to find a view spot.
The clouds came almost at once...
But the sun was putting up a good fight with the gathering clouds...
The sun was picking out highlight in the clouds...
In fact, as long as the sunrise was obscured the clouds became the focus of attention...
They started to look almost threatening...
And then the sun started to show...
The tripod and plate had been remembered this time, so these pictures were taken at anything from 1/6th second to one second exposure...
It was turning into the opposite of Friday when a bright start disappeared before breakfast. Despite the red sky the sun burnt off the cloud for a good finish...
As the clouds were clearing we returned for a hasty breakfast and then off to Tophill Low reserve. One of the benefits of membership is access out of hours and we arrived about 6am.
The reserve was a riot of flowers, especially orchids...
The Observer has noted that the wet summer has been good for orchids.
Can you tell what it is yet?
How about now?
We were being carefully watched by a roe deer.
As the sun became stronger and the water became blue, a rare seaside moment...
A Moorhen posed briefly...
And a rather scruffy-looking Lapwing...
And a first for the blog, an invisible Reed Warbler...