Wednesday, 19 October 2016

It's been a while

I let things slip for a few -actually three -years (bad backs - bad tempers and trying to find another way to do it - whatever "it" was) .

I have almost forgotten how this stuff works and I need to find a new comfy position to type.

The osteopath suggested a new keyboard and  here it is now here with the laptop perched on a pile of stuff - packaging, books and polystyrene - lines of sight are supposed to be better.


If I can remember how to do this a few pictures are in order.  We  have just come back from Northumberland with very few pics, a bad back and neck (stop complaining for ###'s sake) and an aching desire to go back and collect some more pictures.

 I think that the cobles on the beach look well cared for and worth a photo - in fact cobles are usually worth a picture - there is something about the lines of the clinker built design that just looks right..
Footprints in the sand - I hope they come out - press the big button to see them a bit better

Sanderlings and turnstones (I think)  had left these and had moved down to the tideline.
Of course it might had been these little ladies:


who had been our constant companions and only careful closing of doors kept them out of our bedroom.
As this is my resumed blog then hello again and I will look back at a few pictures of recent times and add them to the blog.




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