Wednesday 19 October 2016

It's been a while

I let things slip for a few -actually three -years (bad backs - bad tempers and trying to find another way to do it - whatever "it" was) .

I have almost forgotten how this stuff works and I need to find a new comfy position to type.

The osteopath suggested a new keyboard and  here it is now here with the laptop perched on a pile of stuff - packaging, books and polystyrene - lines of sight are supposed to be better.


If I can remember how to do this a few pictures are in order.  We  have just come back from Northumberland with very few pics, a bad back and neck (stop complaining for ###'s sake) and an aching desire to go back and collect some more pictures.

 I think that the cobles on the beach look well cared for and worth a photo - in fact cobles are usually worth a picture - there is something about the lines of the clinker built design that just looks right..
Footprints in the sand - I hope they come out - press the big button to see them a bit better

Sanderlings and turnstones (I think)  had left these and had moved down to the tideline.
Of course it might had been these little ladies:


who had been our constant companions and only careful closing of doors kept them out of our bedroom.
As this is my resumed blog then hello again and I will look back at a few pictures of recent times and add them to the blog.



Monday 28 January 2013

Remember Summer?

I was looking back at photos of last spring and summer and I thought that a few memories and promises for the near future wouldn't go amiss...

Some of them may have appeared before, but hey.

Sunday 27 January 2013

The Decline of the River Dufffish

Sad to report that the River Dufffish  (named, you will recall after the intrepid etc..)is in decline.

 Despite the recent melt water the river is now a series of lagoons...

The fields were green but the track was still snowy...

A strange faceless flower seller at the station...

Is it just me, but are some of the shapes left in the snow a bit unsettling?

Pre-melt views near the village...