Thursday 11 October 2012

Fog: Is it art...

...or is just fog?

The screensaver has this random zoom that makes me see old photos (not that old)  in a new way.  So I went back to last year concentrating on the foggy pics and reframing them as they had caught my eye on the screensaver.



Nearer to home...

Grange Farm...

Sunset in winter...

Away from the fog for a moment, a single brick, several of which  are holding up the Co op in Market Weighton...

Good night

Sunday 7 October 2012

Beaucoup bokeh (or something like that)

Time to catch up a bit and look at the autumn about us. 
First to Kiplingcotes and a dew soaked but sunny morning..

I don't know what this is but it holds the dew and keeps the insects hydrated.

Fireweed, got its nickname, it is said, because of its willingness to colonise burnt ground. The name might also reflect its autumn colour.

It is hard sometimes to imagine that a railway train used to fit down here...

A proper autumn photo, with a bit of bokeh (I will explain later)

Lichen adds a bit of yellow to the reds and browns...

An interesting bark texture...

The next day and to the setting of "Trees near Warter" which are growing back nicely.  Not to be confused with "Bigger Trees near Warter" (Kathy Killick and Look North please note) which are still there, just down the road.
 Not out in the wilds but our own front garden.  Insert your own "Fun Guy / fungi joke here.

The straw stacks were steaming softly in the sunlight... (say seven times very quickly)

Playing with reflections..

The overnight rain had left the road looking like a canal...

The surveillance continues...

And so to bokeh.  As defined by Wiki  it "comes from the Japanese word boke (暈け or ボケ), which means "blur" or "haze"", or better put as getting it wrong and making it look like you meant it.

I should play with this more as, for once, it doesn't cost money.

Back outdoors..

  The butterflies are still about...

How do these chaps stay in the air, there's only a few little sticks waving about... 

A friend met along thr way...

To the end of the road, and a view.  It looks close enough to touch but it's Ferrybridge, 25 miles away. 

It looks like someone is sending smoke signals.