Sunday, 13 May 2012

Birds (mostly) 1

The camera and lenses that I have are another zero short of the kit that you see some people sporting at all and every nature reserve.  "Where do they get the money and still have the leisure time to turn up every weekday flaunting these artillery pieces?"  I am not a jealous man but...

Still, running backwards through  the photos give the following pics of varying quality, that is to say varying from average downwards.   Nevertheless it establishes that the bird has been seen.

Identifications are a bit fingers crossed at times.

A linnet on the 5th May this year...

 And on the same day a Wheatear...

 In early spring a tapping on the back bedroom window drew our attention to a Great Tit defending its territory against all comers including its own reflection...

On 27 March (which felt more like summer than April or May so far) there was a possible Rock Pipit at Spurn Point...

A Mute Swan in January this year...

I am not quite sure what sort of bird this was but it was very loud...

And last summer a little Little Grebe at Tophill Low Nature Reserve...

Where I also got this dragonfly...

To be continued...


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